Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The process has begun..

So, last night Aaron and I were in our room.. I was putting my shoes up on their appropriate shelves and making sure my stuff was clean. (To stick to my deal that Aaron made.. which as a side note to this blog is.. If I keep my room and bathroom clean for one whole month, he will buy me a new pair of shoes.. so you can BET that my room has stayed clean.. bribery works for me, especially when it comes to shoes!) Anyhow, in our room.. I'm cleaning, Aaron is snacking on cookies and milk (imagine that!). He's watching some stupid car show, where they are auctioning older remodeled cars off for tons and tons of mulah, like some $250,00-$750,000 buckaroos. Out of no where, Aaron says "Look at those pink shoes she has on" and I say "Where??" in a very excited voice. In the back ground of the show, you can just barely see the bottom parts of a woman's legs and she is wearing a very very cute pair of pale pink stilletos. My boo noticed that, and he thinks I am not wearing off on him?!! Ha!

On a side note, I'm worried about Mila.. she's a freak of nature, she doesn't want anything to do with people.. yet I keep catching her trying to lick Sug's butt-hole. She seriously has a licking problem, I thought it was bad when she was licking all of her own hair off.. but now Sug's butt?? It's just so wrong and pretty nasty!


Варенье said...

That cat is perverted! Are you sure its a she? may be its a guy, that would explain all the licking... but i guess it would have licked his own balls at the first place. Ok i dont know what i'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

I just heard a news story today about animals now being prescribed Prozac for anxiety- perhaps Mila should get some (and share with me!)

And I totally get where the grossness is on this butthole licking! At night, the sound of my dogs licking each other is like nails on a chalkboard. And then when they try to hump their mom and/or siblings... I wanna punt them across the room. *End Scene*