Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lea's headstone

We are in the process of getting Lea's headstone all ready to be put in the cemetary this spring. I went back to Iowa this last weekend to go with my Dad on Friday to talk with the Monument people. I would definitely recommend them, they were so friendly and nice, they weren't pushy and just very genuine down to earth people. That makes a huge difference when you're going through such a sad experience, yet you are doing all you can to make Lea proud and give her a headstone that honors her properly. Anyhow, their website is, they are a little location in Warsaw, IL believe it or not! I worked with Danyelle who is just a sweetheart. Well, yesterday she and I were emailing back and forth a few 20 times and we finally came to a pretty good decision (with my Dad's approval ofcourse) for Lea's headstone. I'm going to attach the pictures, but keep in mind.. these are just drawings now and it will look much better on the actually black granite. There is also a vase on the side that you can see. The granite is in a mountain shape. Let me know what you think!
In case you can't read her poem, it says;
You were a precious gift from God above,so much beauty, grace and love.You touched our hearts in so many ways,your smile so bright even on bad days.You heard God's whisper calling you home,you didn't want to go and leave us alone.You loved us so much, you held on tight,until all strength was gone and could no longer fight.
We know those we love don't go away
You still walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never partGod has you in His keeping, we have you in our hearts.
I stole part of it and wrote part of it, I think it fits Lea perfectly!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The process has begun..

So, last night Aaron and I were in our room.. I was putting my shoes up on their appropriate shelves and making sure my stuff was clean. (To stick to my deal that Aaron made.. which as a side note to this blog is.. If I keep my room and bathroom clean for one whole month, he will buy me a new pair of shoes.. so you can BET that my room has stayed clean.. bribery works for me, especially when it comes to shoes!) Anyhow, in our room.. I'm cleaning, Aaron is snacking on cookies and milk (imagine that!). He's watching some stupid car show, where they are auctioning older remodeled cars off for tons and tons of mulah, like some $250,00-$750,000 buckaroos. Out of no where, Aaron says "Look at those pink shoes she has on" and I say "Where??" in a very excited voice. In the back ground of the show, you can just barely see the bottom parts of a woman's legs and she is wearing a very very cute pair of pale pink stilletos. My boo noticed that, and he thinks I am not wearing off on him?!! Ha!

On a side note, I'm worried about Mila.. she's a freak of nature, she doesn't want anything to do with people.. yet I keep catching her trying to lick Sug's butt-hole. She seriously has a licking problem, I thought it was bad when she was licking all of her own hair off.. but now Sug's butt?? It's just so wrong and pretty nasty!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Aaron is a human gas machine

Another great way to start off a new blog.. I almost passed out last night due to some very horrific fumes leaking in our house.. that came from Aaron's ass! Aaron and I worked out last night and then decided to make salads and rice for dinner. We were sitting on our bedroom floor, b/c we had a fire in our fireplace, watching Wife Swap when BAM!! Something hit me in the face like a brick wall, the stinch of Aaron's butt! I almost fainted and screamed "Did you just toot?" and he just looked at me like he didn't want to answer even though it was pretty obvious. His reply "I just did, but it was out in the computer room and I thought I aired it out " my response "Um, no! That crap still followed your skanky butt in here!!" After several gasps later and keeping my face inside my own shirt as a homemade gas mask.. I was able to breath again. Maybe 10 minutes later, the same smell hits me like a brick wall..... not happy, I yell at Aaron "what did you eat today, you nasty fool?!!" He immediately jumps up and runs towards our bathroom while saying "I'll go to the bathroom..."
That all happened around 7:30-ish. So then at 10:30, I'm trying to go to bed and Aaron has left the lamp light on by our bed, the overhead light and the TV. I ask him to shut it all off b/c I am tired and I have to get up early unlike him. He says he is going to eat his cookies and milk then go to bed... so I have to listen to "crunch, crunch.. gulp, slurp, crunch" for a few minutes.. then he gets up and goes into the bathroom.. leaving all the lights on and the TV blaring. I scream at him this time "Aaron, shut the freaking TV off you selfish son of a biscuit" He says "I'm on the pot, I will in a minute" So, I get up and turn it all off and get back into bed.. right as I am drifting off to sleep.. I feel Aaron get into bed and I smell what I think is the cat's litter box laying in the bed next to me. It was Aaron's fat butt, he smelled like a fresh cat turd. I yell at him to go wipe his ass better b/c he smelled horrible. All the while, he is laughing hysterically. And I wonder, I chose to live with this man and I WANT to marry him?? Help me, am I insane?